
Myopia Management

Welcome to our Optics Centre, your authorized destination for cutting-edge myopic control lenses from renowned brands such as Essilor, Zeiss, and Hoya. We take pride in being a trusted partner in your journey towards clear vision and effective myopia management.

As an authorized dealer, we bring you the latest advancements in myopic control technology from these industry-leading brands. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision issue, and addressing it goes beyond just providing clear vision. It's about taking proactive steps to manage its progression.

With Essilor, Zeiss, and Hoya, you can trust that the myopic control lenses we offer are backed by extensive research, innovation, and a commitment to visual health. These lenses are designed not only to correct your current prescription but also to address the specific challenges associated with myopia progression.

Our trained professionals understand the importance of personalized eye care, and we're here to guide you through the process. From comprehensive eye exams to fitting you with the right myopic control lenses, our goal is to provide a solution that aligns with your visual needs and lifestyle.

Choosing myopic control lenses is an investment in the long-term health of your eyes, and we're delighted to be your partner in this journey. Step into our Optics Centre, where clarity meets innovation, and let us help you discover the myopic control solution that suits you best.

At our Optics Centre, we don't just provide lenses; we offer a commitment to your visual well-being. Trust us to deliver the excellence of Essilor, Zeiss, and Hoya myopic control lenses, ensuring that your eyes receive the care they deserve.

As an authorized seller, we bring you the assurance that the myopic control lenses we provide are genuine, high-quality, and backed by the expertise of industry leaders. Your visual health is our priority, and we are committed to offering solutions that not only correct your vision but also actively contribute to managing myopia progression.

Myopic control spectacle lenses are designed to address and potentially slow down the progression of myopia, also known as near-sightedness. Myopia is a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurry, while close objects can be seen more clearly. The use of specific spectacle lenses for myopic control is an area of interest in optometry, especially for children who are experiencing myopia progression.Myopic control spectacle lenses are designed to address and potentially slow down the progression of myopia, also known as near-sightedness. Myopia is a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurry, while close objects can be seen more clearly. The use of specific spectacle lenses for myopic control is an area of interest in optometry, especially for children who are experiencing myopia progression.
Here are some key points related to myopic control spectacle lenses:

Multifocal or Bifocal Lenses:

Myopic control lenses often utilize multifocal or bifocal designs. These lenses have different prescription powers in different zones of the lens, typically with the central area designed for near vision.

    Peripheral Defocus:

  • The concept behind myopic control lenses involves manipulating the peripheral defocus of the eye. By providing clear central vision and introducing slightly blurred peripheral vision, it is believed that the eyes may experience less stimulation for axial elongation, which is a factor in myopia progression.

  • Dual-Focus Lenses:

  • Some myopic control lenses are designed as dual-focus lenses, with one part of the lens correcting the central vision while the other part induces peripheral defocus.

  • Usage in Children:

  • Myopic control strategies are often explored in children with progressing myopia. These lenses are prescribed with the intention of slowing down the rate at which their myopia worsens during their developmental years.

  • Regular Eye Exams:

  • It's crucial for individuals, especially children, undergoing myopic control treatment to have regular eye examinations. Eye care professionals monitor changes in prescription and assess the effectiveness of the myopia control strategy.

  • Research and Effectiveness:

  • The field of myopic control is an active area of research, and various optical strategies are being explored. While some studies suggest a potential benefit in slowing myopia progression with certain spectacle lenses, further research is needed to establish long-term effectiveness and determine the most suitable candidates.
    Myopic control spectacle lenses, when considered from an emotional standpoint, encompass a journey of care, foresight, and the desire to shape a clearer vision of the future—both optically and metaphorically.

  • Investing in Vision Health:

  • Choosing myopic control lenses for a child can be an emotional investment in their long-term vision health. It's a tangible expression of a caregiver's commitment to providing the best possible visual foundation for their child's future.

  • Empowerment and Control:

  • For individuals experiencing myopia progression, these lenses offer a sense of empowerment and control over their eye health. It's an acknowledgment that steps can be taken to actively manage and potentially slow down the progression of near-sightedness.

  • Fostering a Positive Relationship with Eyewear:

  • Myopic control lenses, especially if introduced to children, can shape a positive relationship with eyewear. Instead of viewing glasses as a mere correction tool, they become a proactive measure to preserve and nurture vision.

  • Creating Visionary Futures:

  • The decision to explore myopic control options is a commitment to creating a visionary future. It's not just about seeing clearly in the present but also about looking forward to a future where vision is preserved, and the potential impact of high myopia is minimized.

  • Shared Responsibility:

  • Parents, caregivers, and eye care professionals collaborate to make decisions about myopic control strategies. This shared responsibility reflects a collective effort to provide the best possible visual care and protect the eyes from the potential risks associated with high myopia.

  • Evolving Perspectives:

  • Myopic control lenses signify a shift in perspective—moving beyond the traditional view of glasses as static corrective devices. Instead, they become dynamic tools capable of influencing and managing the evolving nature of myopia.

  • Nurturing Confidence and Self-Image:

  • For individuals, especially children, wearing myopic control lenses can contribute to a positive self-image. It sends the message that taking care of one's vision is an essential aspect of self-care, contributing to a sense of confidence and well-being.

  • Celebrating Progress:

  • Regular eye check-ups and updates to myopic control strategies become emotional milestones. Each visit to the eye care professional is an opportunity to celebrate progress, monitor the impact of the chosen strategies, and adjust the approach as needed.
    In essence, myopic control spectacle lenses are not just optical aids; they are emotional catalysts for proactive care, future vision, and the belief that steps taken today can influence the way we see and experience the world tomorrow.